Monday, November 16, 2009

Need info on oils?

ok these are oils i have heard work on hair to make them grow faster.

emu oil

coconut oil

armond oil

camellia oil

do they work, any info on how they work?

also any info on other oils that are meant to work.


Need info on oils?
Emu oil - There is some evidence to suggest that the oil may have medicinal benefit. It is frequently used topically to soften skin and is frequently found in ointments for dry cracked heels.

Coconut oil - Coconut oil is excellent as a skin moisturiser.

Almond oil - Couldn't find anything about skin/hair use.

Carnellia oil - Is a cooking oil.
Reply:Oils like these will not cause hair to grow faster at the follicle where hair growth occurs - only a few select chemicals, like those found in Rogaine, have been shown to affect hair growth.

Depending on the hair they're applied to and how they're applied, the oils you mentioned may all make the hair appear to be shinier, less brittle and "healthier".


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