Monday, November 16, 2009

How can I begin to grow some tea in my home?

Where do I get a camellia sinensis plant? I'm pretty sure I live in an okay environment for it. I want to begin to learn so give me all the info you have.

How can I begin to grow some tea in my home?
IN your home?? Unless you have some serious lighting, I don't know how well that would work.

For starters, tea is a BIG shrub - 3-6 feet, or more. You be better off to plant it in a big pot, and leave it outside in full sun during the growing season. It will be much happier there than inside.

If you live in a place that has winter (colder than zone 8), then bring the pot in for the winter, or during cold spells if you don't have a lot of winter.

If you really really want to keep it inside your house, pick a southern window (assuming you live in the northern hemisphere, and not "down under") so it will get a lot of sun.

Here's more info about growing and harvesting tea:

If you're growing just for an ornamental, you might consider doing it as a "bonsai" to keep it small and managable.

Oh- and for where to get it...if you live in a warm climate - I would start by contacting nurseries and greenhouses. If they don't carry it - see if they will order it for you. If you live in the north - you'll need to contact nurseries with greenhouses (nurseries without will not have much in the way of tropicals). And ask if you can place a special order.

If you strike out - I would try mail order/online next.


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