Monday, November 16, 2009

I need some help with my English project, it's over To Kill a Mockingbird. Help!?!?

Jem Finch:

J - ??

E - ??

M - Messes up Mrs. Dubose's camellias because she said Atticus wasn't any better than the n|ggers and trash he worked for.

F - ??

I - Injured his left arm when Mr. Ewell attacked him a Scout under the old oak.

N - ??

C - Carried the water for the football team at his school.

H - He never wanted to disappoint Atticus.


C - Calpurnia is much more than the Finch's cook; she is respected by Atticus and is thought of as family.

A - Almost acts as a mother to Scout and Jem.

L - ??

P - Provides discipline, instruction, and love to Scout throughout the novel.

U - Uses two different languages when she speaks to white people and blacks.

R - ??

N - ??

I - ??

A - Although she doesn't know for sure, she thinks she is only a few years older than Atticus.

Dill Harris:

D - Dill doesn't know who his father is.

I - ??

L - Lives with his Aunt Rachel during the summer.

L - Loves Scout and wants to marry her one day.

H - He has a very active imagination which gets him in trouble at times.

A - Almost every word he says is a lie.

R - Ran away from home to go to Scout and Jem's house.

R - ??

I - ??

S - Smallest 7 year old Jem and Scout had ever seen.

Mrs. Dubose:

M - ??

R - Rumors were that she kept a CSA pistol hidden under her many shawls and wraps.

S - ??

D - ??

U - Usually shouts at Jem and Scout whenever they pass by her house.

B - ??

O - ??

S - She is a morphine addict, but successfully breaks her habit before she dies.

E - ??

Thanks in advance!


I need some help with my English project, it's over To Kill a Mockingbird. Help!?!?

J - Jean Louise is his sister's real name

E - Expects Atticus to leave his pocketwatch to him

F - Finds the carvings in the tree knot left there by Boo

N - Needs Boo Radley's help to escape Mr. Ewell

I - Insists that Scout stop fighting in the school yard
Reply:J- Jem is curious about Boo Radley

E-Easily persuades Scout to come with him to Radley's house at night.
Reply:Uh yeah right, I don't think so. Do your own damn homework fool

Can anyone to this for me? 10 points! It is related to a book called "To killing a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

Write a description of five of the following aspects of the novel in terms of how they are function as symbols in "To Kill an Mockingbird:

1) The mad dog

2) The treehouse

3) Camellias

4) The gun

5) The cemented hole in the tree

6) Columns on buildings

7) Atticus' pocket watch

Some of these may take further research to fully understand. Your descriptions should be as complete as this one on the Mockingbird:

Here is an example:

A central symbol in the novel is the mockingbird. The mockingbird is described by Miss Maudie as a creature that should never be killed b/c it is harmless and even provides song for the enjoyment of others. Both Boo Radley and Tom Robinson are basically blameless individuals who are at the mercy of society, yet society is cruel to Boo and Tom. The symbol of the mockingbird also points to Scout, both as an innocent child and as grown-up narrator, who "sing a song" in telling the story.

Do any 5 of the 7 aspects. I don't care, Pls do this as soon as u can.

Can anyone to this for me? 10 points! It is related to a book called "To killing a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.
The mad dog was mad.

The treehouse was in a tree

Camellias was the Mexican version of the Pontiac Sunfire

The gun was used to shoot the mad dog

The cemented hole in the tree was used to imprison the mockingbird

Columns on buildings were used to hold the building up

Atticus' pocket watch made sure he was in court on time
Reply:Let me get this straight: You want us to DO your homework FOR you? THAT is cheating!!!! NO!! If we do your homework that makes us complicit in your cheating.

Ummm consider the homework police on the case.
Reply:1 the mad dog!!
Reply:i so sorry i dont kno... I HELP YOU WITH YOUR WORK... unlike the homework police above this..... but the treehouse because a bird... need a place to nest like idk kno a tree house
Reply:I'd be glad to help if you tried at least, but from the looks of it, you haven't even tried.
Reply:not doing your homework for you. do it yourself
Reply:i'm not doing your effing homework for you!!

Is is true you can't grow rhododendrons near oaks?

I have five rhodendrons near two California live oaks. They are outside the dripline, but close. They are doing terribly in a spot with good soil and lots of shade. A friend told me you just can't grow rhodendrons near oaks. Is that true? What about camellias?

Is is true you can't grow rhododendrons near oaks?
They will grow happily together.

The thing being hinted at is probably that Rhodys are also a carrier os Sudden Oak Death, a soil organisn. Over the last few years Rhodies (spell it however!) have been quarentined in some areas, as have oaks because of the soil organisn causing so much Death of Oak trees, rather Suddenly.

If the rhodies are outside the dripline they may be getting more sun than they like. And check the soil for pH and such. Rhodies like heavy clay, not what Coastal Live oaks usually live in. Interior Live Oaks do and don't depending. And there are other species of "live" oak in Cali and other states.

It could be that fungus (SOD). Check on the Sudden Oak Death website. ??
Reply:Friends try to help, but in this case your friend is incorrect. Oak trees acidify the soil around them and rhodos like acidic soil. They do well together. I have seen many a successful pairing of these two plants. Check the nutient levels in their soil and water received. What is soil made of ? They prefer forrest-floor type of soil. Example = leaf waste, chuncks of fallen/rotting (wood chips) tree.

It is possible that your friend was thinking of lilacs. If lilacs are planted in the vicinity of oaks ( or other acid producers ) they will grow sparsely and they will not bloom.
Reply:I have been in the landscape industry for over 25 yrs and have seen plenty of awesome rodys growing as under plantings in a stands of oaks without any problems. I question your friends advice. more than likely it is planted wrong. Usually to deep.

mobility scooter

How to deter squirrels?

Squirrels eat buds of camellias and other plants in our garden. How to deter them?

How to deter squirrels?
The fuzzy tailed tree rats are crafty devils. They always find a way to get what they want. Just ask anybody who has tried to by a "squirrel proof" bird feeder.
Reply:Squirrels will get whatever they want unless you go to extreme measures. You can try a very noxious deterrent that is made from rotten eggs. i don't remember what it's called but there should be several on the market, sometimes marketed as deer repellent. i dipped my tulip bulbs in this and it worked. it is expensive and you have to use a lot, but it works. you will probably have to reapply when it rains a few times.
Reply:I would not deter them i would just plant flowers that they do not like...Would you rather have a garden full of beautiful flowers and plants of one of mother natures creatures........Put in a balance and enjoy both......
Reply:shoot em the little beggers
Reply:They did a piece about this on Radio 4's Gardeners World last week.

I'm afraid the conclusion was that there's really nothing you can do.

The suggestions were use of lion dung and leaving lots of squirrel food around (so they get too full to eat your plants, but neither worked. One person said their very aggressive cat shooed them away, but they came back when the cat died.
Reply:I think there are things you can buy at plant stores that have sprays to keep away the squirrels but not kill them. Also, you could get a dog......
Reply:Get a pet falcon. You can train them. Have him perch in your backyard. No more critters.
Reply:I dont know, but if you know how to get rid them out of our attic without killing them let me know.
Reply:apparantly unless you want to poison them and have dead squirrels on your lawn - there is another more humane way. There is supposedly a kind of device that you can plug in, it lets out a high pitched frquency that deters the squirrels - humans won't be able to hear it though.....perhaps you could ask at your DIY store...
Reply:With camellias, and shrubs that attract squirrels, you can buy light frost-netting( from the garden nursery), which you can throw over the plant, and tie firmly at the stem. OK, the plant will look odd for some weeks, but when the buds are bursting, you can remove the net and admire!

Some say that if you spray the netting with strong perfume, it adds to its defences!

For protection of bulbs, try placing wire, hanging baskets, upside down, over the planting area.
Reply:with a 12 bore
Reply:Get a cat and let him have the squirrels for lunch. Not one of those sissies that are declawed and never breathe fresh air. A real cat, one that hunts birds, mices and likes to go outside, where they belong by the way.

Those squirrels will be in for a chase, trust me, and you'll have a rodent free land. :)
Reply:I have had some success by sprinkling mothballs around the plants. Keeps cats out too. I have watched Blackbirds pick them up with their bills and brush the mothball under and against their feathers apparently providing insect repellant.

To kill a mockingbird! help with symbols! please?

what do these symbolize: need help thanks

knothole in oak tree, Mrs. Dubose's camellias, miss maudie's azaleas, and stoner's boy in the gray ghost


To kill a mockingbird! help with symbols! please?
Knothole: Boo's friendship - Boo's friendliness towards the Finch children.

Camellias - I don't know...Mrs Dubose's courage?

Azaleas - What can flowers possibly represent?

Stoner's boy - Scout said, "he was real nice...they accused him wrongly" or something like that. Then Atticus replied "Most people are Scout, when you finally see them." I think this refers to Boo Radley.

Hope this helps! :)
Reply:tsk tsk!! and i was the one who actually had to do the hw!!
Reply:grayghost i dont remeber that in the book

Whats worng with me essay?

True Courage

In glossaries, courage is defined as "the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear." According to Atticus Finch, a major character in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, "Courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." (112) Harper Lee definitely shows the theme of courage in this book. It is one of the most principal themes and is shown in many of the characters, but majority in Atticus. Harper Lee exposes the true meaning of courage.

For a youngster character, like Scout, courage is most often related with a physical act that is usually dangerous. It is difficult for young children like Scout to realize that greater courage is shown in other aspects of life. Scout sees an example of courage in her father when he shoots the mad dog. Although Atticus did not think of it as very courageous, Jem and Scout were proud of their father of the courage he showed in the situation. He was not trying to prove anything, yet they were still impressed. Presently in the story, Jem and Scout encounter the spiteful Mrs. Dubose. "Your father's no better than the [negroes] and trash he works for!" (102). When she cusses Atticus like that, Jem decided to ruin Mrs. Dubose's camellias for insulting his father . After Atticus heard about this stunt, Jem was made to read to her every afternoon for a month as a punishment. Mrs. Dubose was a very ill lady, and had morphine to ease her pain. It was not until after she died that Atticus explained to Jem and Scout how courageous the lady was because she knew she was dying but was still determined to die free of the morphine. She fought against great odds, even though she knew that she would certainly die. That was really courageous of Mrs. Dubose.

"Real courage" is when you fight for what is right regardless of whether you win or lose. Atticus Finch defines "real courage" and demonstrates it several times throughout the novel, in addition to the lessons that he teaches his children. He shows them mainly in the long period of time during Tom Robinson's case. It first started when Atticus took the case. He went against Maycomb, a generally prejudice town, in order to defend Tom. He understood that taking the case would make him an object of ridicule and that no one would forgive him for believing in a black man's word rather than a white man's. Even his own sister expresses disapproval of his decision, practically telling him he was bringing disgrace on the family. But, no matter how much his reputation suffered, he kept one doing what he believes what’s right. Standing up for his morals and ethics was more important then what people thought about him. Atticus knows he will not win the case and like Mrs. Dubose in her battle against morphine, he is "licked" before he begins. Atticus's strong sense of morality and justice motivates him to defend Tom Robinson with determination, and giving it all he has got. He shows this when he says, "Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try and won." He wants the people of Maycomb to hear the truth about Tom, "That boy may go to the chair, but he's not going till the truth's told." (145). Atticus later shows bravery when he went to the jailhouse to protect Tom from a mob. Without thinking twice he rushed to Tom's aid. He went willingly; knowing that if a mob did form he would be greatly outnumbered and would easily be beaten. Still, he put Tom's well being after his own benefit.

While discussing the death of Bob Ewell, Atticus also shows great courage. He did not go along with Heck Tate as Heck tries to explain that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife. Atticus appreciates what Heck is trying to do, but he doesn’t want anyone to cover for Jem. “I don’t want him growing up with a whisper about him, ‘Jem Finch…his daddy paid mint to get out of that (273). Atticus put his life and career in the line. He knew, as an officer of the court, that withholding information from an investigation could have gotten him thrown in jail. Nonetheless, like many times before, doing what was right and fair prevailed in Atticus's way of thinking. In addition, Atticus went against his moral code and principles he had always upheld before, when Atticus is faced with the decision of abiding by the law or breaking it in order to do the right thing. He knows that imprisoning a man like Arthur would have been unforgivable. Especially after that Arthur had performed a great deed by saving his children's lives. He knows that exposing him would be an awful way of repaying him; it would have been like "shooting a mockingbird." So, Atticus chose to protect Boo from the public eye rather than abide by the law and his "honest" ways he was so accustomed to follow. Sometimes it takes even more courage to set a new level of morals then to stay in your comfort zone.

In conclusion, Atticus shows admirable courage and behavior, in many instances, throughout the story. Not by fighting or killing, but by standing up for what he believed in a civilized and determined way. His strongest motivation, however, were his kids. He wanted to be a good role model to his kids and inspire in them a strong sense of moral values. One time he was asked by Scout why he had taken a case he knew he wasn't going to win and he responded by saying, "For a number of reasons. The main one is, if I didn't I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this county in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again." ( 75). In other words, he would not have been able to preach to his kids about justice and standing up for what one believes when he himself had not stood for what he believed in. Harper Lee uses Atticus as the true meaning of courage.

Whats worng with me essay?
I would help, dude honestly but that is too much reading. I'm sure it's a pretty good easay....only guessing but maybe it was grammatical errors. keep your head up.
Reply:Okay sugar, this is a good essay, but it is very redundant. Your sentence structure and diction is also very simple. And every essay needs a thesis in the intriductory paragraph. By reading yours, you can eventually see that the essay is about courage, and acts of courage, but this needs to be stated. You can keep the glossary meaning, but then add...Courage is displayed in the novel, 'to kill a mockingbird,' several times by acts that various characters display. I do not know what grade you are in, so therefore I do not know what is expected from you. But I would have given you a C+, maybe a B-. Because, like I said it is a good essay. Dude, holy crap, I can help you english. English is not the most difficult thing. There is no reason to fail or give up.

Okay babe, if you are a freshman, then you should definetly be writing at a higher level than you are. Maybe you have just never been properly shown how to write an essay. I'm a college sophomore now, and I didn't learn how to write an A+ essay until my junior year of high school. Do you know anybody that is good at english that would be willing to go over this with you? You should try to find somebody.
Reply:Ok let me tell you what i would write for my 1st paragraph.

1st sentence should be a general idea.

Dont go into detail about the book. Keep the first paragraph general

In your 2nd paragraph 1st sentence is awkwardly worded and a bit long.

"For a youngster character, like Scout, courage is most often related with a physical act that is usually dangerous"

I would have said

At young ages courage is usually associated with physical acts.

Conclusion paragraph. Do not use "in conlusion" You go into too much detail about the book. The conclusion does not include concrete detail. It does not repeat key words from your paper.

Your paragraphs should be like this


A: Entice your reader with a hook

B Do not discuss what goes on in the book instead generalize the theme

C. connect the hook with your thesis statement

D include the title and the authoe of the novel in your thesis


1. topic sent(TS).-main idea of paragraph with relation to thesis.

2. concrete detail(CD)-specific example from book. In your own words, no quotes.

3. Direct Quote(DQ)- quote that supports concrete detail

4.Commentary-(CM)your analysis, explanation of the concrete detail and direct quote. Basically explain how your CD and DQ support the topic sent.


Sum up Ideas

Link back to hook

re phrase thesis

Things to avoid

Contractions (don't, won"t) just write out do not.

Try not to use I, me, my, you, i think, he seems like

Avoid using Maybe, probably.

I think you do deserve a high D. If your in freshman year like me these guide lines help alot.
Reply:Although I don't know what grade level you're writing this essay for (junior, senior, etc.), as a former English teacher I'd have to agree with your teacher. The first big problem is the lack of a thesis statement--what point are you trying to argue? You might want to read some of the criticism of TKAM to see how other writers have approached the novel's themes. The second big problem is organization. I had to keep rereading some sections, as I'd get lost in your prose style. Keep the paragraphs shorter--see if you can divide the paper into an introductory paragraph, followed by a few paragraphs of examples of different characters showing courage (one per character), then a solid concluding paragraph. Finally, check your spelling and grammar, especially the latter. However, I think improving your organization, with leading sentences in each paragraph followed by examples would help the most. I'd suggest sitting down with the teacher and having him point out some of the flaws as he sees them.
Reply:You've received some great suggestions here. I had problems writing essays at first too. People would tell me to write a thesis statement or topic sentence but I didn't really know how to do that. But here's a little good news for you. Writing is a learned skill and once you get the hang of it, you'll do great. Check out this web site. It gives you the steps to writing an essay in outline form and explains in good detail each step. If you print this out and refer to it as you write your paragraphs, your essays will come together much easier. Don't skip any steps. Do the outline, notes, etc. I think if you keep this where you can refer to it as you work on your paper, you'll do fine. Good luck to you, and please give this a try.
Reply:Over all it seems reasonably well thought out and wrtten. I am not an expert on writing. Here are a few things that come to my mind.

First are some general readability issues.

Your paragraphs are WAY too long.

Confine a paragraph to a single train of thought. Make your opening and closing paragraphs a single sentance or at most two sentances. This is also true if you are making an important point which you will then explain in the next few sentances. On the other hand, when you draw a conclusion, keep it in the same paragraph as any information directly preceding it

There is no science to spacing paragraphs. Lay them out in a way that you feel makes your writing easiest to read, and helps best emphasize your points. In your final draft, you may want to add a line of white space between paragraphs, as this helps readability depending on the format. Also, interspacing long and short paragraphs (in a meaningful way), helps to add a "sense of rythm."

My personal opinion is that you should not use phrases like "true courage", "great courage", or "real meaning of courage". To me, it seems to imply that when you and I say simply "courage", we may mean two different things. Only use that sort of wording once; either in the title, or at the "climax" of the essay. otherwise just say "courage." There is such a thing as being too specific.

Brevity is also an issue. You may wish to condense many of your sentances, and delete others that are not absolutely necessary.(depending on the parameters you were given) This is just good editing. Most people can think much faster than they can read, so words and sentences that can be easily removed are annoying otherwise.Don't try to use elaborate speech just to sound sophisticated.

Go back over and try to think of alternate ways of phrasing, untill you feel you have made the best use of space. If you feel you have made your point simply and elegantly, do not try to make it any longer.(no matter what your teacher says)

There are also a few nit picking grammar and wording issues. Those would take too much time to go into. The best thing to do would be to print out a double spaced draft, and have somone experienced make some editing notes in the margins.

Overall your grammar and comprehension as well as your critical thinking seem to be excellent. Keep reading good books, and your grasp of the art and craft of writing are sure to improve even more.

Good luck!

~Donkey Hotei


Don't give up! Your teacher sounds like the kind thats willing to give you a D without giving you a lot of specific advice. You should have a sit down talk with him. Don't let him off the hook untill you understand exactly what you need to do to get an A!
Reply:In your first paragraph say something like "although courage can be defined as . . . . . Harper Lee can show us it could be a defining charatistic in any decent persons life."
Reply:" Whats worng with me essay?"

Popeye? Is that you?
Reply:Well, I hate to tell you, but your teacher is right - you don't have a thesis. You have an implicit (unstated) thesis, but that's not good enough for a formal essay - you need to come out and in your own words explain what it is you're trying to prove.

In your case, try something like "In _To Kill A Mockingbird_, Atticus shows the true meaning of courage by A, B and C."

Note that this has a thesis - something you can defend - and it also ties into your three major points, which is part of good essay-writing. To make your thesis even stronger, make it controversial - try "Although the book suggests that courage is X, the character Atticus shows us that in reality, Harper Lee believes that courage is Y."

I aso can't help but notice that sometimes your grammar has some trouble; try getting someone else to proof your essay before handing it in; parents are great that way.

Another point: try to avoid terms like "in conclusion" or "secondly" or "So" to start a sentence - all of these sound like space-fillers to a teacher when there are much more elegant ways to write.

Don't add new information or quotes in your conclusion. That's not what a conclusion is. Your conclusion should be a summary of your arguments, never introducing new ideas.

You also need to connect your paragraphs better - read it out loud and you'll realize it sounds a bit disconnected. It's supposed to be a clear, logical flow from one point to the next - and it should all be summarized in your thesis AND your conclusion.

A proper essay should look like this:

Thesis: "X is true because A, B and C."

Point 1: A is true because a, b and c, which relates to B.

Point 2: B is true because d, e, and f, which relates to C.

Point 3: C is true because g, h, and i. And by the way, the arguments against C is D, but D is untrue because of j, k, and l.

Conclusion: A, B and C clearly show that X is true.

I'm summarizing terribly, but you get the general idea, I hope.

Twins!!! What Names?

boy %26amp; girl

Caden Cale %26amp; Carson Camellia

Lance Wesley %26amp; Larissa Willow

Bray Cy %26amp; Bessy Cora

Twins!!! What Names?
Caden and Carson. Make different middle names though; ones that don't begin with C's.
Reply:definitely not Caden and Carson, unless they are both boys or both girls even.

Caden.. or "Caidyn" is growing in popularity for girls along with all the other "aden" names. And Carson is very masculine sounding next to that. In writing, with their middle names, I would think they were both girls, without the middle names ( as almost everyone will see them for their whole lives) I would think two boys. If I knew they were boy/girl twins I wouldn't know which was the boy and which was the girl.

Lance and Larissa are cute.
Reply:Poor Kids if you choose any of your suggested names!

Dylan, Osian, Marc, Dafydd, Steffan, Tomos, Owain, Paul, John, Ifan, (Boys.)

Catrin, Lowri, Ffion, Chloe, Sioned, Lois, Elen, Elin, (Girls)
Reply:wait, let me get this straight....carson is supposed to be a girl? thats ridiculous and i would never forgive you. and Bessy is just asking to be bullied. what about Camellia Carson? BESSY, For real though?! are you serious?
Reply:Azure is right, she is real fertile...........................triple... here,twins there..........................anybody have 'troll-be-gone' spray!

But i like the names Micah (boy) and Mesha (girl) in case any other HONEST expecting moms out there!
Reply:Larissa Willow and Caden....change Cale to Wesley.

How about spelling Larissa; Laryssa??? I think the Y makes it look more presentable.
Reply:CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! I like Lance Wesley And Larissa Willow but honestly it depends on what u want. They will be ur kids. Think about family history, preference, and how able u will be to remember it. CONGRATS!!!!!!! again.
Reply:LISH! Braken's ahving twins! you Byerson's are freaking fertile mertiles!

you know already that love Bray Cy and Bessy Cora. i wonder why? XD
Reply:I like Caden and Carson but I would switch genders.

I also have always loved Emory and Elle for twin names.
Reply:I like Lance Wesley or Caden Cale and Carson Camellia or Larissa Willow.

My cousin just had a boy and named him Forest Caleb
Reply:Lance and Larissa

not keen on Lance but love Larissa

my twins are

Rachel and Ryan

Rachel Clare and Ryan Peter

good luck x
Reply:I LIKE:

Caden Cale, But Not Any Girl's Names.


Caden Cale and Chloe Catherine?
Reply:Caden Cale %26amp; Carson Camellia
Reply:Caden Cale %26amp; Carson Camellia
Reply:Lance %26amp; Larissa
Reply:Read her other questions, she's a troll, five minutes ago she was having triplets!
Reply:I like Lance Wesley and Larissa Willow.
Reply:Lance and Larissa
Reply:Caden and Carson
Reply:caden and carson... definitely.

not sure if i like the c's in the middle names too tho.
Reply:Caden Cale and Carson Camellia for sure. there both really cute names! i just love them!

children boots

Where can I buy these seeds?

Black tea (Camellia sinensis)






I am planting a tea garden and would like to buy the seeds from the same supplier. If not, that's okay, but does anyone have links?

Where can I buy these seeds?
Chamomile seeds -

Lavender seeds -

Jasmine seeds -

Mint seeds -

Hibiscus seeds -

Hope this helps.
Reply:You can go to Thompson and Morgan Seed Campany, Burpee's, and Johnny Selected Seeds.

Which Hibiscus are your looking for? There are 1000's of species of this plant. The tropical one is called Hibiscus Rosa-china and there's a lot of hardy one too.

All these sites have a catalog request for a mail order catalog that is free.
Reply:I have seen people in the Yahoo Plantswap group sending such seeds to other members just for postage only. You might check it out for yourself and see .
Reply:Where are you located? There are all kinds of laws about transporting seeds over national boundaries. This being an international site, it would be dangerous to make an assumption.

at least offers tea plants.

Where should I put it?

Hey, I'm think of getting a tattoo with a camellia flower pattern. Any ideas where would it be best to put it?

Where should I put it?
lower back thats where the most hottest an cutest tattos are .
Reply:your shoulder blade, definitely
Reply:Ankle is nice.

Would cupresparis lawsonia clippings be OK for a mulch?

I am thinking about using the feathery type clippings as a mulch in my acidic soil garden. I grow camellia,rhodedendrum,azalea,heather and magnolia soulangeana successfully

Would cupresparis lawsonia clippings be OK for a mulch?
Conifer clippings would be so perfect for all them acid loving plants (camellia, rhody, azalea, magnolia) in your garden. The conifer clippings make an acidic mulch, so your plants will love you for it.

Mulch away amigo!
Reply:It's a good question this.It would need to be quite small pieces,as the rain will not ever get to the soil,and l would'nt use it fresh,as it will continue to take nitrogen from the soil.So broken small and going a bit brown would work,but it will have a very small difference as to acidifying the soil

How can I begin to grow some tea in my home?

Where do I get a camellia sinensis plant? I'm pretty sure I live in an okay environment for it. I want to begin to learn so give me all the info you have.

How can I begin to grow some tea in my home?
IN your home?? Unless you have some serious lighting, I don't know how well that would work.

For starters, tea is a BIG shrub - 3-6 feet, or more. You be better off to plant it in a big pot, and leave it outside in full sun during the growing season. It will be much happier there than inside.

If you live in a place that has winter (colder than zone 8), then bring the pot in for the winter, or during cold spells if you don't have a lot of winter.

If you really really want to keep it inside your house, pick a southern window (assuming you live in the northern hemisphere, and not "down under") so it will get a lot of sun.

Here's more info about growing and harvesting tea:

If you're growing just for an ornamental, you might consider doing it as a "bonsai" to keep it small and managable.

Oh- and for where to get it...if you live in a warm climate - I would start by contacting nurseries and greenhouses. If they don't carry it - see if they will order it for you. If you live in the north - you'll need to contact nurseries with greenhouses (nurseries without will not have much in the way of tropicals). And ask if you can place a special order.

If you strike out - I would try mail order/online next.


How do you care your damaged hair?

I tint my hair brown. I wash my hair everyday by using shampoo and rinse. Sometimes I use hair treatment instead of rinse. I don't use dryer after washing my hair at night because a hairdresser say to me 'you use dryer too much'. I also use camellia oil, it's said that it has effect on damaged hair. However my hair are damaged very much...: ( I want to get beautiful hair!!

How do you care your damaged hair?
Start trimming your hair every 2 to three months. This is very important. Split ends only make more split ends. Also don't wash your hair everyday. You need to let the natural oils soak into your hair. Wash it about every other day. You can dry your hair too, just not every day. For colored hair I love Pureology, and yeah make sure to eat plenty of vitamins and calcium.
Reply:Try Pantene

Shampoo %26amp; Conditioner.

Once a week put a Hot Oil Treatment on hair..leave in about minutes with towel wrapped around hair.
Reply:i have the same problem. firsts of all, make sure your hair products are alcohol free as this will dry it out. and also, i only wash my hair every other day , but i condition everyday. that seems to help me. good luck!
Reply:well most people use cheap shampoo, try using the expensive stuff, like redken, matrix, or biolage. you can find them at cvs or places like that but they are about 20 dollars a bottle. ask some one there to help you find the right type to buy for your type of hair
Reply:Aussie has a 3 minutes miracle conditioner that worked wonders on my dye-damaged hair. Biolage also has a treatment that you use once a week that works really well but it's a little expensive.
Reply:If you want shiny beautiful hair, the answer is simple, eat right. Your hair is made of left over vitamins your body doesn't use. I cut my hair when it gets damaged on the ends and its beautiful. I do put highlights in my hair, also just for a little drama...

Tea, why the color brown?

Im curious, if the tea plant (camellia sinensis) is a evergreen... then why is it that when I make iced tea, it turns the color brown? And where do they get the actual tea from this evergreen plant?

Tea, why the color brown?
It's dried and when something is dried like leaves in the fall they turn brown, then the dead leaves stay like that and spread it through the water. And they get evergreen tea from many places but the only place i know that they had something like that was Alaska. It also depends on the type of tree or plant and how young it is for flavor and color.
Reply:dried out green leaves are no longer green.........
Reply:the tea comes from the leaves of this bush. Tea usually contains two leaves and a bud. The bud is the youngest part of the plant. Tea leaf pickers pick different leaves depending on what tea they are making, or what part of the season it is. In the early spring, they may take two leaves and a bud, or they may pick just buds.

As for the color, it really varies between what kind of tea it is, and which part of the world the tea comes from. Japanese tea is commonly known to have a green tint. Some chinese green teas are brownish yellow. And some are light green. Black teas are usually rust colored to dark brown. Oolong teas are usually tan to light brown. Greens vary between light green to dark yellow, or dark brown. And it depends on how you make the tea also, if you didn't think that other stuff wasn't enough.

There are many factors in tea which is why it's such an intriguing drink!
Reply:cuz when leaves die they turn colors like brown an that is what is gonna happen when it goes to tee.
Reply:i think because maybe since the tea is dried and you make tea, it turns brown, so it turns brown, im not really sure.
Reply:tea is made of dried up leaves and not all tea leaves make the water go brown it just depends on what type of tea you are drinking ex. green tea that actually turn green, if the tea leaves you are making tea our of is brown then yes your drink will be brown if the tea leaves are green then it'll turn green etc etc

Mensa Puzzle - Can you solve it? Explain your answer?

I recently took advantage of a local nursery's sale featuring "you pay no sales taxes".

I bought rose bulbs at $11.55/bag, and violet bulbs at $13.65/bag, as well as some gardenia at $21.45, camellia at $30.03 and japanese maple at $50.05. The final bill came to $600.92.

How many gardenia did I buy?

Mensa Puzzle - Can you solve it? Explain your answer?
First you should factor the prices (in cents):

rose 1155 = 3*5*7*11

violet 1365 = 3*5*7*13

gardenia 2145 = 3*5*11*13

carmellia 3003 = 3*7*11*13

maple 5005 = 5*7*11*13

The important thing to note is that all of these prices have 4 of the 5 factors 3,5,7,11%26amp;13. Each is missing a different factor. Considering gardenia for example, the other four prices are divisible by 7. So we can divide the grand total (in cents) by 7 and get a good clue as to how many gardenia there are. 60092/7 = 8584 with a remainder of 4.

We need to find how many gardenia we need to buy to get a remainder of 4. It turns out if you buy 6 gardenia, the cost is $128.70. Dividing 12870 by 7 gives a remainder of 4.

This means that there must be either 6 or 13 gardenia. Similarly there are 10 or 23 bags of rose bulbs, 10 or 21 bags of violet bulbs, 4 or 9 carmellia and 2 or 5 japanese maples.

If we add up the price for the minimum of each we get 115.50+136.50+128.70+120.12+100.10 = 600.92. So we know that you purchased 10 rose bulbs, 10 violet bulbs, 4 carmellia, 2 japanese maples and 6 gardenia :-)
Reply:First, I'm assuming all purchases are whole numbers %26gt;0

Second. notice that the cents are $0.92. all the rest of the numbers end in $.05 any multiple of 5 ends in a 0 or a 5. so to make a "2" in the last digit, you have to have a multiple of the $30.03 number = 4x or 14x or 24x or 34x. etc... since 4 x 30.03 = 120.12, and 14 x 30.03 = 420.42 and 24 x 30.03 = 720.72 (which is more than the total), then the number of camellias you bought has to be either 4 or 14.

let's start with 14. if you bought 14 camellias, then you bought 600.92 -420.42 = $180.50 of everything else.

if that is the case, then you bought either 1, 2, or 3 japanese maples. let's start with 3. 3 x $50.05 = 150.15. leaving 30.35 for the rest. since 1 x 11.55+ 1 x 13.65 + 1 x 21.45 %26gt;30.35, you couldn't have bought 3 japanese maples (and 14 camellias). so the number must be 1 or 2. so let's try 2. 2 x 50.05 = 100.10 leaving 80.40 for the rest. so if again we assume 1 of each minimum, 1 x 11.55 + 1x13.65 x 1 x 21.45 = 46.65 which leaves $33.75 remaining. there are no combinations of 11.55, 13.65, and 21.45 that add to 33.75 so you couldn't have bought 14 camellias and 2 japanese maples. so let's try 1 maple....

600.92 - 14x30.03 - 1x 50.05 -1 x 11.55 - 1 x 13.65 - 1 x 21.45 = $83.80. so are there any multiples of 11.55, 13.65 and 21.45 that add to 83.80?

start with 21.45. 3 x 21.45 = 64.35 leaves 19.45. can't be that. 2 x 21.45 = 40.90. can't be that either. what about 1x 21.45 leaves $62.35. well in that case if we then say 4 x 13.65 = 54.6 leaving 7.75 (can't be) 3 x 13.65 = 40.95 leaving 21.4 (can't be because 21.4/11.55 does not equal integer) 2 x 13.65 = 27.3 leaving 35.05 (can't be. same reason). same for 1. leaves 48.7. 0 leaves 62.35.

Therefore, we could not have purchased 14 camillas. meaning we purchased 4 camillas..... whew.

now we know this....

the total price we spent for roses, violets, gardenias, and japanese maples = 600.92-120.12 = 480.80

We also know the max number of maples = 480.80 / 50.50 = 9 right?

so let's start there.....9 maples leaves 480.80 - 9x 50.50 = 30.35. since 1 x 11.55 + 1x 13.65 + 1 x 21.45%26gt; 30.35, it can't be 9......

let's try 8. 480.80 - 8x 50.05 = 80.40. since 1 x 11.55 + 1x 13.65 + 1 x 21.45 = 46.65, we have 33.75 left. since there are no combinations of 11.55, 13.65 and 21.45 that add to 33.75, 8 maples didn't work.

let's try 7. 480.80 - 7x 50.05 = 130.45. gThis is getting complicated.... so let's try this approach. notice that the values of 11.55 13.65 and 21.45 are all divisible by 5? hey they're also divisible by 3. ie they're divisible by 15....

if we let the number of roses = a, violets = b, gardenias = c, then the total cost = 11.55a + 13.65b + 21.45c. factor out 15 to get... 15x (.77a + .91b + 1.43c) so now if we say....

130.45 = 15x (.77a + .91b + 1.43c) and realize that the right side is 15 x ( a number in the form of $de.fg) = a number in form of $hi.jk, this is due to us multiplying by integers, the left side must therefore be divisible by 15. to get into the form $hi.jk. so since 130.45 / 15 = 8.69666666, this doesn't work. ie maples does not = 7

ok. for 6 maples we get 480.80 - 6x 50.05 = 180.50

since 180.50/15 = 12.033333, 6 doesn't work.

try five. same way...480.80 - 5x 50.05 = 230.55

230.55 = 15 x (.77a + .91b + 1.43c)

230.55/15 = 15.37 = .77a + .91b + 1.43c

so far so good. remember also that a =%26gt;1, b=%26gt;1 and c=%26gt;1. So the max can be is 9, if c=9, remainder is .82 and this doesn't fit. neither does 8. and so on. so this value of maples = 5, doesn't work either.

let's try 4. $480.80 - $4x 50.05 = 280.60. 280.60/15 = 18.70667 nope

maples = 3. $480.80 - $3x 50.05 = 330.65. 330.65/15 = 22.0433

maples = 2 $480.80 - $2x 50.05 = 380.70. and 380.70/15 = 25.38

this works so far.. hold that thought.

maples = 1. $480.80 - $1x 50.05 = 430.75. 430.75/15 = 28.7166666. so maples do not equal 1

whew. maples must = 2.....

now we know camellia = 4, maples = 2 remaining plants cost 380.70


380.70 / 15 = 25.38 = (.77a + .91b + 1.43c)

well. I know right off the bat that since a =%26gt;1, and b=%26gt;1, the (25.38 - .77 -.91)/1.43 = 16.6, therefore c%26lt;17 that's still a very complicated permutation problem... so if I look at .77 and .91, they are both divisible by 7. ie

25.38 = 7 x (.11a +.13b) + 1.43c. Ah ha... I have to find a value of c such that 25.38 - 1.43c = a number divisible by 7. so.....(keep in mind that c ranges from 1 to 16...)

25.38 - 1.43x1 = 23.95. nope

25.38 - 1.43x2 = 25.52. nope


25.38 - 1.43x6 = 16.80 ... 16.80/4 = 2.40 this works!

25.38 - 1.43x13 = 6.79 ... 6.79/4 = .97 this also works!

meaning c = 6 or c=13.....

if c =6, then (.11a+.13b) = 2.40. .11x10 = 110, and .13x 10 = .130. and this works......

a = 10, b =10, c = 6. camellia's = 4 and maples = 2


10 roses, 10 violets, 6 gardenias, 4 camellias and 2 japanense maples....
Reply:Mensa people sure aren't the brightest gardeners. Roses don't have bulbs.

I will fail geography if you dont help! please help!!!?

put the right word in the sentence and it has got to be the same letters

Although the Camellia is Alabama's state flower, it is another flowering shrub called an a_ _ _ _ _ that is the namesake of a picturesque trail that runs through the city of Mobile.

I will fail geography if you dont help! please help!!!?
The answer would have to be azalea.

children shoes

Tea growing in Philippines?

Does anyone know of tea(camellia sinensis) growing in the Philippines ? I am looking for seeds or a plant to grow in my garden .

Tea growing in Philippines?

Are these shoes good to wear to school/college?

Are these shoes good to wear to school/college?
They are cute, but wouldn't recommend them, even if you are just going from your car to the building. Plus, they cost a lot of money. I wouldn't want to wear them to school and take the chance of them getting ruined.
Reply:I would say no...unless the school/college had a dance/function.
Reply:if they are your style then go for it. :)
Reply:No, how comfortable would they be to walk around in all day?
Reply:umm... i dont think so. wear them to a dance or special function. those are nice (and expensive) shoes that need some showing off, in the right way, that is. %26lt;333
Reply:sure why not?
Reply:I would have to say no!!!! They would be very uncomfortable.

You're going to need something more comfortable than that to run from class to class.
Reply:for like a party or a date yes but from the car to the building and back no
Reply:if you're only gonna be walking that short of a distance, then its ok. but they would hurt your feet if you wore them the whole day.
Reply:those look like shoes you would wear with a dress. they dont look that comfy to just wear. you do alot of walking so wear what is comfy
Reply:not really
Reply:they are very cute.. by all means buy them but not for offense i am not sure what college you are going to but at mine if you wore those to class for an everyday thing people would look at you funny...comfort first....
Reply:I guess they r good for college but I would try something else go to like some shoe store and I think they would have some better shoes.
Reply:yeah. but dont wear them on days you have to walk alot.

Are these Chanel shoes hot or cute?

Are these Chanel shoes hot or cute?
th0se are MADD CUTE!!.. nah better yet sexy!!
Reply:not a fan.

i've seen better.
Reply:Cute but sooooo not worth $440.
Reply:cute, not hot these would be hot chanel shoes
Reply:Totally cute! (and expensive)
Reply:they are OKAY... and highly over priced
Reply:Both. It's hot because the color and shape.

Cute because it is...
Reply:They're alright. Not the best I've seen, but just okay.
Reply:Their okay.
Reply:there okay i only like the flower

hot or cute

none but pretty
Reply:Cute. Very very cute!!
Reply:There really cute but not $459.99 worth of cute save your money and get some shoes that are on fire not just hot or cute believe me if you keep looking you will find some that look better with those your just paying for the name
Reply:no there ugly looks like my grandma's shoes!!
Reply:They are hot, I geuss, not cute, but I would NEVER spend almost half a thousand dollars ona pair of shoes that will be worn only once or twise then put in the back of the closet!

It takes them less than 5 bucks to make those shoes!

You can buy like 20 pairs of nice shoes with all that money! Don't blow it on one! That's ridiculous!
Reply:Those shoes are really cute.
Reply:chanel will ALWAYS be hot....
Reply:just cute i think its too much denim
Reply:THEY R SOOOO CUTE%26lt;3
Reply:Cute-the denim's not flashy enough to be hot.
Reply:a they suck boring lookin they need more gloss
Reply:440 something dollars? If they were a better price and a different color. If i were you i would look for some different colors if you were considering to buy a pair. Or if you like that color buy'um!

- Not my taste though
Reply:They're hot and sexy. If you buy them post up a pic to see how they look on you.
Reply:only cute.
Reply:well im srry but denim shoes are so last fall
Reply:sorry to sayy they`re neither.. theyre ugly to me...
Reply:definitely cute!
Reply:they're cute, a great price too.
Reply:They're cute. You should totally buy those.
Reply:they look as if they could be for someone older, but if you like that type of style then go and get em.

What plants have you in your garden and what is your favourite?

My fav is a camellia and the the butterfly bush,

What plants have you in your garden and what is your favourite?
So many plants, favourite at the moment are the roses, all coming into bloom. Red, White, Pink, Yellow, Burgundy, Purple and Yellow. Next month will be the Bottle Brush Plant. Couple of Weeks ago was the Digitalis as it was in full bloom but that is now seeding back. By Mid July the Day Lillies will be bursting every day....

Each Day something new blooms and adds to the colour of our borders, or pushes its neck above something else...
Reply:My favs are roses had some beauts last year.

However we have some Poppies in had em for 2 yrs now and WOW! today they kinda popped and you shud see the blooms. So I love em lol, Report It

Reply:Roses my favs tho have loads of pics of my little plot and its blooms. Report It

Reply:Tropical plants, gingers, haliconias, herbs as well. If I lived in a cooler climate, my favourite would be Daphne, it is such a beautiful scent.
Reply:This summer our 'Bear Britches" has is so fun to watch because it looks like a big prickly weed but now has these tall showy stalks with white flowers hanging out all around!!!! BTW - it is next to our butterfly bush!

I live in TX so I have planted mostly TX drought tolerant natives that have come back beautifully this year.
Reply:One of my favorites is gerbera daisy. I have rose bushes, wisteria, verbena, geraniums, iris, lilies, babys breath, ferns, forget me nots, dahlias, black eyed susan, liriope, daisys, coreopsis, marigolds, ageratum, alyssum, salvia, hibiscus and many more. Can you tell I love gardening??
Reply:My favorite is the sunflower. It takes a while to grow from seed but it is well worth it. Last year my sunflowers grew up to 12ft tall! I saved the seeds from the heads, dried them out and planted more this year.
Reply:balloon flower, they are so pretty, i believe they only come in purple, and they are really cool, before the flower actually blooms it is a miniature balloon....they are really neat, if you've never seen one try this link....
Reply:We went wild this year:

We have tomatoes, pumpkins, watermelon, cantelope, bell %26amp; hot peppers and strawberries.

I think I would like the strawberries best if the darn rabbits would quit eating them!!!
Reply:crikey....have loads....too many to list...but i like most:

callicarpa (sorry can't spell too well) zealand holly, roses always, lavender, rosemary, foxgloves...crikey....nearly all of them!
Reply:I have roses, Daisey's, and carnations. I love the carnations.

In my vegetable garden I have tomatoes, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, zuchhinni, jalapeno peppers, green peppers, banana peppers, yellow squash, honeydew melon, and cantaloupe.
Reply:Cannabis Sativa, although I wished I lived in US where the climate is so much better, what a crop I would get.
Reply:Impatiens. For larger bushes, rose bushes and rhododendrons.
Reply:tomatoes, herbs, peppers, eggplant

i hate picking favorites!

the cats favorite is the cat nip though!
Reply:we have straberrys chives tomatoes sunflowers flowers watermellon and a lot more altho my faves are straberrys or chives=)
Reply:chinese pam and rose
Reply:weeds , and my favorite is weed
Reply:I have a small assortment... zucchini, sugar snap peas, greenbeans, carrots, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, petunias, periwinkle, stargazer lilies, mums, .... the list goes on and on... my favorite right now are the many many petunias, they give off such a sweet scent.
Reply:Sweet peas and a passion flower are my favourites.
Reply:i have roses and big old fashioned iris pensimon hosta fig digitalises and loads of others my fave is roses i have a bush that flowers from now and keeps flowering until Xmas day and for three years Ive picked roses from this bush on Xmas day i prune in late Jan and its four foot high now its a shame its a very boring colour and has little sent but its my fave because it trys so hard
Reply:I collect palms - I have about 15 different varieties, including 100 coconut trees.

baby shoes

Biology question?

is a camellia (flower) a monocot or dicot? how do I know?

Biology question?
easiest way is to check the viens in the leaves parralel = monocot.... branching=dicot

monocots flower parts are in multiples of three

dicots flower parts in multiples of four or five
Reply:Dicotyledons, or "dicots", is a name for a group of flowering plants whose seed typically has two embryonic leaves or cotyledons. There are around 199,350 species within this group Flowering plants that are not dicotyledons are monocotyledons, typically having one embryonic leaf.

The dicotyledons no longer are regarded as a "good" group, and the names "dicotyledons" and "dicots" are no longer to be used at least in a taxonomic sense. The vast majority of the former dicots, however, form a monophyletic group called the eudicots or tricolpates. These may be distinguished from all other flowering plants by the structure of their pollen. Other dicotyledons and monocotyledons have monosulcate pollen, or forms derived from it, whereas eudicots have tricolpate pollen, or derived forms, the pollen having three or more pores set in furrows called colpi.

Traditionally the dicots have been called the Dicotyledones (or Dicotyledoneae), at any rank. If treated as a class, as in the Cronquist system, they may be called the Magnoliopsida after the type genus Magnolia. In some schemes, the eudicots are treated as a separate class, the Rosopsida (type genus Rosa), or as several separate classes. The remaining dicots (palaeodicots) may be kept in a single paraphyletic class, called Magnoliopsida, or further divided.

[edit] Classification

The following lists are of the orders formerly placed in the dicots, giving their new placement in the APG-system and that under the older Cronquist system, which is still in wide use.

APG II Cronquist system



Nymphaeaceae [+ Cabombaceae]




* Canellales

* Laurales

* Magnoliales

* Piperales


* Buxaceae [+ Didymelaceae]

* Sabiaceae

* Trochodendraceae [+ Tetracentraceae]

* Proteales

* Ranunculales

core eudicots

o Aextoxicaceae

o Berberidopsidaceae

o Dilleniaceae

o Gunnerales

o Caryophyllales

o Santalales

o Saxifragales


+ Aphloiaceae

+ Geissolomataceae

+ Ixerbaceae

+ Picramniaceae

+ Strasburgeriaceae

+ Vitaceae

+ Crossosomatales

+ Geraniales

+ Myrtales

eurosids I

# Zygophyllaceae [+ Krameriaceae]

# Huaceae

# Celastrales

# Cucurbitales

# Fabales

# Fagales

# Malpighiales

# Oxalidales

# Rosales

eurosids II

# Tapisciaceae

# Brassicales

# Malvales

# Sapindales


+ Cornales

+ Ericales

euasterids I

# Boraginaceae

# Icacinaceae

# Oncothecaceae

# Vahliaceae

# Garryales

# Gentianales

# Lamiales

# Solanales

euasterids II

# Bruniaceae

# Columelliaceae [+ Desfontainiaceae]

# Eremosynaceae

# Escalloniaceae

# Paracryphiaceae

# Polyosmaceae

# Sphenostemonaceae

# Tribelaceae

# Apiales

# Aquifoliales

# Asterales

# Dipsacales
Reply:It is a dicot.It's petal formula is a multiple of 4 or 5.

Monocots have petal formulas based on 3 or 6. Plus monocots have parallel veins and only one seed leaf. Dicots have non-parallel veins and 2 seed leaves.

Hope this helps!
Reply:i have no clue also, but try this site. hope i helped!
Reply:Monocots have leaves in groups of 2 or 3, dicots in 4 or 5. Also monocots have a fibrous root system while dicots have a taproot.

Frog Pond?

We have a frog pond in our garden. Does anyone have any tips on attracting frogs to the pond? Are gold fish a good idea to eat fly larvae (not the frog eggs!)?

Here is some info and I have posted some pictures here:

Construction: A circular bucket 40cm across,12cm deep set into the ground with a smaller dish flowing into it. The 2 containers have a layer of small pebbles. There are larger rocks set up in the larger container, stairlike up to the edge, a small fountain to circulate the water with mesh over the filter and 3 sticks over the top, all surrounded by more small pebbles, stones and bark.

Water: Just tap water.

Surrounding plants: The pond is over shaded by 2 small trees (Yellow Bottle Brush[Callistemon salignus] and Camellia Sasanqua).

Surrounding plants are:

-Giant Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum sp.)

-Blue Grass (Festuca glauca)

-Isolepis (Ficina nodosa)

-Wandering Jew (Not the weed!) (Tradescantia pallida)

-Lomandra (Lomandra longifolia)

-Jade Plant or Friendship Tree (Crassula ovata)

- Alocasia sp.

-Baby Sun Roses (Aptenia sp.)

- 2 small Banana Lilys (Nymphoides aquatica) growing in the water.

Location: Sydney,Australia

Frog Pond?
it would be alot easier if your were in the top end they are everywhere.

best of luck with it
Reply:avoid the gold fish,go to a nearby pond with a small dip net gather up a few net fulls of the local critters from the pond or ditch and place them into your pond this would be the quickest way to introduce the frogs into your pond
Reply:Are there any wading birds in your area of the world (like herons or egrets)?... if so be sure to set things up so they will not come by and eat the frogs that you attract!!
Reply:Sounds pretty but awfully small to attract frogs. You might try collecting a couple of tadpoles to introduce. I'd avoid goldfish if you want frogs, though.

showtime dance shoes

Frog Pond?

We have a frog pond in our garden. Does anyone have any tips on attracting frogs to the pond? Are gold fish a good idea to eat fly larvae (not the frog eggs!)?

Here is some info and I have posted some pictures here:

Construction: A circular bucket 40cm across,12cm deep set into the ground with a smaller dish flowing into it. The 2 containers have a layer of small pebbles. There are larger rocks set up in the larger container, stairlike up to the edge, a small fountain to circulate the water with mesh over the filter and 3 sticks over the top, all surrounded by more small pebbles, stones and bark.

Water: Just tap water.

Surrounding plants: The pond is over shaded by 2 small trees (Yellow Bottle Brush[Callistemon salignus] and Camellia Sasanqua).

Surrounding plants are:

-Giant Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum sp.)

-Blue Grass (Festuca glauca)

-Isolepis (Ficina nodosa)

-Wandering Jew (Not the weed!) (Trad

Frog Pond?
Frogs should just appear. If they have not and your water has chlorine added, you may need to add some dechlorinator to remove it. If your water is moving, no fly or mosquito larvae will appear. They must have still water to breed. You may certainly add goldfish if you like, but will need submerged vegetation for them to eat.

You can buy frogs. Check your local pet or fish shop for what will do well where you live.
Reply:That is an awfully small pond for a frog. I don't think it's big enough to sustain even one individual.

I have a pond that's roughly 2 meters by not-quite-one, by 1/2 meter deep. It maxes out with two frogs in it.

If you go and grab some tadpole from nearby, or from a bait store, you can put those in. But when they morph into adult frogs, they might go in search of larger digs.

If you have mosquito and fly problems, I recommend regular minnows. Not sure what kind you would have over there. Here, bait stores carry crappie, bass, and chubb minnows frequently. I use chubb minnows - they stay small, and they love to eat mosquito larvae...I've even seen them grab adult mosquitos alighting on the surface to lay eggs!

Frog Pond?

We have a frog pond in our garden. Does anyone have any tips on attracting frogs to the pond? Are gold fish a good idea to eat fly larvae (not the frog eggs!)?

Here is some info and I have posted some pictures here:

Construction: A circular bucket 40cm across,12cm deep set into the ground with a smaller dish flowing into it. The 2 containers have a layer of small pebbles. There are larger rocks set up in the larger container, stairlike up to the edge, a small fountain to circulate the water with mesh over the filter and 3 sticks over the top, all surrounded by more small pebbles, stones and bark.

Water: Just tap water.

Surrounding plants: The pond is over shaded by 2 small trees (Yellow Bottle Brush[Callistemon salignus] and Camellia Sasanqua).

Surrounding plants are:

-Giant Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum sp.)

-Blue Grass (Festuca glauca)

-Isolepis (Ficina nodosa)

-Wandering Jew (Not the weed!) (Tradescantia pallida)

-Lomandra (Lomandra longifolia)

-Jade Plant or Friendship Tree (Crassula ovata)

- Alocasia sp.

-Baby Sun Roses (Aptenia sp.)

- 2 small Banana Lilys (Nymphoides aquatica) growing in the water.

Location: Sydney,Australia

Frog Pond?
Hi there...I found several websites that offer suggestions as to how to attract frogs to ponds:

Hope these help.

"To Kill a Mockingbird", questions PLEASE HELP!!?

I read it but I don't understand these questions.

1. What does Mrs. Dubose require Jem to do for her every day after school?

a. water her Camellia bushes

b.bring in her mail to her

d. bring in her meals


Question 2

In their second summer together, Scout, Jem, and Dill decide to make Boo Radley come out by:

a. placing a note on his windowsill with a fishing pole

b. daring one another to touch his front door

c. leaving a note in the tree

d. peeking into the Radley back yard


Question 3

During the trial Mayella Ewell testifies she asked Tom onto the Ewell property to help her:

a. break up an old dresser

b. watch her seven siblings

c. cut down a tree

d. look at a broken tractor

"To Kill a Mockingbird", questions PLEASE HELP!!?
the longest book everrrrrrrrr

i had to read it this past year.

heres some help:

1) a. read to her

2) i'm pretty sure its...d. peeking into the back yard. (but it also could be b)

3) a. break up an old dresser
Reply:i'll give you the answers, but only if you promise to read the book!

1.) read to her.

2.) placing a note on his windowsill with a fishing pole.

3.) break up an old dresser.
Reply:I read this book last year!

1. c

2. a

3. a

Love it!
Reply:c b a
Reply:I tired to read it but i gave up i just went to google

Are the ingredients in this product safe?

It's a male enhancement cream applied to the penis, and can be used during intercourse. Would this be safe?

Water, helianthus, annus (sunflower) seed oil, glycine soja (soy) bean oil, stearic acid, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, methyl salicylate, cetearyl alcohol, aloe, barbadensis leaf juice, camellia sinensis (green tea) leaf extract, l-arginine, panax ginseng extract, muira puama extract, lamium album (white nettle) extract, serenoa serrulata (saw palmetto) fruit extract, lepidium meyenii (maca) root extract, erthroxylum catauba extract, rosmarinus officinallis (rosemary) leaf extract, citris grandis (grapefruit) seed extract, lecithin, methylparaben, propylparaben, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), ascorbyl palmitate (vitamin C), zinc oxide, methyl nicotinate, xanthan gum, fragrance.

Are the ingredients in this product safe?
Is sex ever safe? Or life? I don't see anything unusually toxic unless you are allergic to any of the plants.
Reply:So sorry to disappoint you, no so called male enhancement cream works, but I think it won't hurt you. To have great sex you should be relaxed and in the mood, your partner also., and take your time for the prelimenaries.
Reply:hi,there is no such thing call enhancement for penis,is the best dun any how to apply it,in case make the thing go worse.just go normal and relex to enjoy sex,and you will feel the penis is large.this is whate i can said.


Is it bad to use a toner with alcohol?

It's Burt's Bees Garden Tomato Toner. I was surprised to see that alcohol is the second ingredient. (I should have read the label before opening the bottle...) My skin is fairly sensitive. Here's the list of ingredients:

water, alcohol denat., glycerin, cucumis sativus (cucumber) fruit extract, camellia sinensis (green tea) leaf extract, carum petroselinum (parsley) extract, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) fruit extract, vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) extract, saccharum officinarum (sugar cane) extract, acer saccharum (sugar maple) extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) peel oil, citrus medica limonum (lemon) peel oil, fragrance

Is it bad to use a toner with alcohol?
Well, there are lots of skin products that use alcohol, particularly astringents such as witch hazel and most after shave lotions. It's good for tightening up the skin, and as long as it includes some water and moisturizers it shouldn't dry anything out.
Reply:it's going to dry out your skin and that will make your skin produce more oils and cause acne.
Reply:if you have naturally dry skin it will irritate you and make you red and itchy in some cases.
Reply:Usually Burt's Bees items are good. I have sensitive skin too and i can use toners with alcohol as long as you don't over do it; use it every other day and see if it dries you out.
Reply:If you skin is sensitive I wouldn't because the alcohol would dry out your skin and would not be a good fit (could have other effects). Good luck! I would try toner from Origins. They have the best stuff for all skin types!
Reply:Alcohol can be really drying on your skin. You can use it, just be sure to follow with a really good facial moisturizer.
Reply:everything looks good in it EXCEPT the alcohol. alcohol is very drying to the skin and since it is at the top of the ingredient list, that means there is alot of it in the product.
Reply:Alcohol can be very drying to the skin. Thats the only problem about it. I also have the garden tomato toner and I used it for a little while but then I ended up using peppermint tea, green tea and lemon juice.

hope this helps!!!

Will these ingredients cause breakouts or my acne to become worse?

Titanium Dioxide, Octyldodecyl Stearoyl Stearate, Zinc Stearate, Zinc Oxide, Bismuth Oxychloride, Tocopherol (vitamin E), Ascorbyl Palmate (vitamin C), Phytonadione (vitamin K), Camellia Oleifera (Green Tea) Leaf Extract, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. May Contain Iron Oxides, CI 77499, Carmine.

Will these ingredients cause breakouts or my acne to become worse?
It might help if you posted which product you're talking about. As these ingredients can be in a lot of products. One or two ingredients can change the whole ph balance of your skin.
Reply:well the green really good for your face as well as the vitamin..i can tell you that..good luck though!!
Reply:It has a LOT of uneeded chemicals. But yea, it should work. Vitamin E, C, and K are really good for cleaning the skin. The Green Tea helps prevent future breakouts and helps calm the nerves!
Reply:Try microdermabrasion instead. After one treatment acne is significantly reduced and is safe, medically proven and painless. One treatment costs £60 (I don't know how much that is in dollars). It may be worth looking into light therapy to.

What do ya'll think about these names?






Hutson (mother's maiden name)







What do ya'll think about these names?
Liam and Charlotte
Reply:I like Hutson and Sophie!
Reply:Hutson %26amp; Sophie
Reply:Do you already dislike your twins? Really, I am not a big fan of any of those names, but if I had to choose, I would go with

Malcolm and Sophie.
Reply:Liam for a boy and Camellia for a girl.
Reply:I like Hutson %26amp; Camellia. Also like Liam for a boy %26amp; Sophie for a girl.
Reply:sophie and hutson are my favorites out of that list
Reply:I think you should go with your feelings... or another idea is to wait till they are born because you have so many names you could look at your babies and decide what names you think suit them best. but i personally like Sophie and Liam.. they're lovely gd luck x
Reply:Girls names are cute boys names are not at all.
Reply:My favorites are:

Hutson %26amp; Camellia

Very nice names!!!! = )
Reply:I like Charlotte and Sophie for girls. But I don't like any of the boys names.
Reply:Liam and Sophie

Malcolm and Charlotte

I like Miles and Mia
Reply:I like Charlotte and Sophie and think the rest are dreadful!
Reply:I like all of the girls names. For the boys I like Liam and Hutson. Ex. Hutson Parker is cute.
Reply:I really like Charlotte %26amp; Camelia for the girl and I like Liam for the boy....the rest I'm not really feeling that much (sorry)
Reply:if i had twins i would call them kade and kadie .i dont like dabney the rest are fine
Reply:Liam and Sophie most definitley. They are so cute together! If you don't like that then use Hutson (Hudson) and Beatrix.
Reply:if you are having a boy and a girl a like lexi and luke if you are having two boys i like ethan allen an jeremy micheal if you are having two girls i like bionca lynn an alexa lynn
Reply:Malcolm and Beatrix (so spunky!) or Liam and Charlotte would be lovely for twins! Those would also be my favorites for two boys or two girls, but Charlotte and Sophie are equally nice together.

For what it's worth, while I'm familiar with Camellia and find it an intriguing option, I think most will wrongly assume it's simply supposed to be Camilla. Just a heads up! I also like Camille quite a bit (and it'd work well as a twin to Sophie). ;)

I'd save Hutson for a middle name -- either gender -- given its significance. Unless, of course, the other first names also have special meaning. Barring that, however, I think it'd be unfair to use something so meaningful for one's first name and just one you liked for the other, know what i mean?

Nice list!
Reply:I like Liam but my wife wouldn't let me name my son Liam. It was one of the names I wanted but she didn't go for it. I work with a Malcolm and he is an absolute geek.
Reply:I like Camillia and Liam
Reply:Boys: #1 by FAR is Hutson, then #2 Liam, #3 Malcolm and #4 Dabney

Girls: #1 Sophie, #2 Camellia, #3 Charlotte, #4 Beatrix

But I'm only really a fan of Hutson :(

Sorry :(
Reply:I like Liam for a boy, and Charlotte or Sophie for a girl.
Reply:camellia and liam...deff not Beatrix
Reply:Here's my opinion on each name:

Liam....I think is over played lately.

Dabney..I always think of that actor..Dabney Coleman.

Hutson...LOVE LOVE LOVE it esp. since it's the mother's maiden name!

Malcolm...seems like a pompous name.

Beatrix...Cute classy, definitely love it grandmother's name, so I'm waay biased! LOVE it.

Camellia..I think of Camilla Parker Bowles..YUCK.

Sophie..cute but over played.
Reply:i like liam and charlotte the best
Reply:i think for the boy you should go with hutson and for the girl, sophie :)
Reply:my favorite are Hutson and Sophie
Reply:My favorites are Liam and Camellia. Super cute! Congratulations and have a great weekend! :)
Reply:I really like the name Sophie but if its for a twin I think the boy should have a name that starts with an S too

Sophie %26amp; Sam

Sophie %26amp; Steven

I even think that Sophia would be cute!
Reply:Dabney is gross for a boy and malcolm sounds black!

Scientific names, flowers?

what are the scientific names for a:

- rose

- tulip


- geranium





- hydrongea


- dianthus

- daffodil



-sweet william


Scientific names, flowers?
I guess that no one wants to do your homework for you.

Try doing a search for the name followed by the word nursery. Go to sites that look like they sell the plant and copy the name.

Or the easy way is to go to They usually have the Latin names spelled correctly.

leather boots

Growing my tea plant, help?

I jut ordered seeds of camellia sinensis plant (green tea). I was wondering how and what i need to do to get this plant to grow,. I live in NY where we get cold winters and hot summers. Thank you. soil and a pot sufficient? any tips thanks

Growing my tea plant, help?
prefers moist, acid, well-drained, high organic matter soils; best to mulch; partial shade to full sun.

Growing Out Mixed Hair?

I am Latina/White/Asian/Black/Native American

First off, I think it would be good if I told you my hair care regime so you can get a feel of what I do now...


-8-10 cups of water daily

-exercise 3-5x weekly

-pretty healthy diet

-massage scalp daily

-shampoo weekly

-condition daily

-deep conditioner weekly

-protein treatment 2x a month

Okay, second of all is my hair type. I have tight, frizzy, almost afro curls in around the crown of my hair and in the underneath layers. The rest of my hair is in medium-tight curls and waves. It is pretty soft, and is shiny, too.

I just want to know how I can grow my hair faster (if you're just going to post, "it's impossible to grow hair faster or "hair grows about 1/2 inch a month" don't post at all).

I've heard camellia oil works really well, and have also heard about kelp tablets and HairTopia vitamins, but what really works?

Growing Out Mixed Hair?
i am only going to say this as a suggestion i am also mixed and my sister has the same hair type it is more of a suggestion to grow stronger hair so that your hair shaft doesnt get weak and your hair doesnt break off faster while your growing it. For starters dont use shampoos and conditioners that you can find in a regular drug store...period. Buy from makers like paul mitchell, nexxus....etc. the reason for this is the shampoos and cond. from the drug store have fillers in them like clay or mud which can coat the hairshaft and leave them thick and heavy can cause the hair to break off. also use a shampoo with tea tree oil in it every once in a while will strip off extra dht and will help hair to grow better (not necessarily faster) but when you do use the shampoo make sure you use a really good conditioner because the shampoo strips everything off. make sure you get your ends clipped every six weeks i know it seems like your going backwards but it helps. have you ever had a friend who cut all their hair off and it seemed like only yesterday because all their hair has grown back?? its because they were starting with healthy strands...keep those split ends down and....i cant stress enough have a great cond. to tell you the truth as long as you have a great cond. all of the other things (like hot oils, deep cond.) you can do as maint. once a month. hope this helps
Reply:Personally, I massage coconut oil onto my hair before I wash it. Then I shampoo and condition it. Use this method for a prolonged period of time and you'll see good results. Its very healthy for your hair!.. well, it is for mine because I have long, black, and silky hair. Hope I helped.
Reply:Yes it is possible. You can try various pills for this purpose along with fish oil, kelp, or vitamin B tablets. I've tried HairTopia and it does work very well. Another option is to straighten your hair because hair is longer when straight. Remember that anything you have to rub on to your hair will not work.
Reply:wow! you're so mixed (great thing :) )and pretty (based on your pic)! i think you seem to take very great care of your hair already with the massages and cleaning and conditioning. i personally think that's the best way to keep your hair growing and going. you might want to try Vitamin E and Biotin pills.
Reply:i'm not sure what does work, but i tried dr. miracles and it made my scalp tingle, but not on the first try.

I don't think it did anything.

good luck, though...
Reply:well sounds like you have a good diet and all that other good stuff that is suppose to work on your hair i have heard that prenatal (vitamins when your pregnant) really works good luck
Reply:Your hair is curly, maybe you just dont notice the growth. Ive heard that HairTopia vitiamins work.
Reply:keep trimming it. JUST A LITTLE TRIM!!! trimming it helps it grow out longer and keeps it looking healthy.

Are the ingredients and colors in this lip color vegan?

All Shades Ingredients:

Water (Aqua), Acrylates Copolymer, Styrene/VP Copolymer, Triethanolamine, Carbomer, Phenoxyethanol, Propylene Glycol, Fragrance (Parfum), Methylparaben, Sodium Saccharin, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Propylparaben, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Tocopherol

All Shades May Contain:

CI 17200 (Red 33), CI 42090 (Blue 1), CI 19140 (Yellow 5)

Are the ingredients and colors in this lip color vegan?
I googled those ingredients and Urban Decay brand lipstick came up. Urban Decay is a cruelty-free brand, but not all of their products are vegan. If the lipstick you're interested in is on this website ( then it is vegan!
Reply:I like to shop at vegan essentials online -guaranteed to be.

Need info on oils?

ok these are oils i have heard work on hair to make them grow faster.

emu oil

coconut oil

armond oil

camellia oil

do they work, any info on how they work?

also any info on other oils that are meant to work.


Need info on oils?
Emu oil - There is some evidence to suggest that the oil may have medicinal benefit. It is frequently used topically to soften skin and is frequently found in ointments for dry cracked heels.

Coconut oil - Coconut oil is excellent as a skin moisturiser.

Almond oil - Couldn't find anything about skin/hair use.

Carnellia oil - Is a cooking oil.
Reply:Oils like these will not cause hair to grow faster at the follicle where hair growth occurs - only a few select chemicals, like those found in Rogaine, have been shown to affect hair growth.

Depending on the hair they're applied to and how they're applied, the oils you mentioned may all make the hair appear to be shinier, less brittle and "healthier".


Do soy milk and coffee whitener block the health properties of tea like milk does?

I have read up on the health benefits of green, black, white, and oolong tea (made from steeping the buds/twigs from the tea bush, Camellia sinensis). These teas include antioxidants that are good for the human body but the antioxidants are blocked if you mix the tea with milk.

Does anyone know, if I mix soy milk or one of those edible oil coffee whitener products with my tea instead, will the antioxidants still be blocked therefore stopping the health benefits of the tea from reaching my body?

Do soy milk and coffee whitener block the health properties of tea like milk does?
your best bet is to go with the soy milk, I'd stay away from the coffee creamers, they're not good in tea, at least I don't think so, the soy milk will not block the antioxidants of the tea, it is the hormones given to cows that are causing the blockage.
Reply:According to a recent study published in the European Heart Journal, the researchers at Medizinische Klinik mit Schwerpunkt Kardiologie und Angiologie, Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin, found that black tea significantly improved Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) in humans compared with water, whereas addition of milk completely reduced the effects of tea. The researchers concluded that milk counteracts the favorable health effects of tea on vascular function.

However, I'm not sure if there are studies done with soy milk or other creamer. Just drink the tea as is - don't add anything and enjoy it naturally!
Reply:In order to get the full effect, one should enjoy ones tea with no added ingredients, or just a spot of honey at most.
Reply:what r u talking about

Compost, granular fertilizer, miracle grow....all of them? Or just one of them? Very confused HELP!!?

We bought our house three years ago and the flowerbeds had been severely neglected, bone dry with horribly dry, hard NC red soil. We mixed in lots of horse manure the first year, planted a few things which died. Last year we pulled out a ton of dirt and put in topsoil and compost, planted and everything lived (yay!) but didn't really grow much. Now, everything planted last year is coming up, covered in new growth, leaves, and some flower buds. I am so confused on how to feed them, there are so many options and I don't want to overdo it. We mowed over all the leaves that fell off our trees in the fall and put them in the flower beds, then covered with a thick layer of mulch over everything. The leaves are breaking down into the soil, so that is considered food I guess? I have osmocote pellets I used last year, and wanted to get miracle grow and add compost on under the that too much? Plants are hydrangea, lilac, rose, azalea, rhodies, going to plant camellia in there in week

Compost, granular fertilizer, miracle grow....all of them? Or just one of them? Very confused HELP!!?
Slow down. Too much too soon.

1). leaves need to be well rotted to be benefical to the flower beds. Leaf molds. They take about 3 years to rot in the compost pile before adding to the beds. -rotting leafs stink. Plus the pull the nutrients out of the beds- allow them to rot.

2). Osmocote is good to start new plantings with.

3). Amend the soil with 1 part sand, 1part peat/topsoil-humas/loam and 1 part your garden soil. Then plant.

4) Add bonemeal to flower/rose beds. Check your PH.

5) Add compost (well rotted - store bought or on 3rd year post) to established beds in the spring to add nutrients lost over the winter and when you removed you winter mulch.

6). Miracle grow works best when used on existing beds.

hope this helps.

7) Try Posie Power - you can order from the internet.
Reply:TwinC is right. Too much too soon and too high an expectation.

Go to your local Nursery and purchase a Granular 10-10-10 with minerals fertilizer. Apply it now, again in mid-June, and in Mid-Sept. A little goes a long way so one bag will last you the season for a garden setting. It also does wonders for turfgrass when applied in late fall. It is also cheap!

Stop using leaves from trees in your garden! You are looking to spread diseases and pests from such trees into your bed. A good shredded hardwood mulch is much better and decomposes much quicker. Take a soil sample to your nursery for Ph examination. Most of your plants want acidic soil and they can recommend the right additive given the Ph of the sample. Good Luck
Reply:three things will help you

Lime powder type

compost and mericalgrow fertilizer,

Lime will sweeten the soil,compost will keep the roots cool and hold the moister the plants need and add to the soil in time,fertilizer will feed them but only feed them well once a week once the plants start to bloom stop the fertizer and only fertilize once a month unless you have drowt then do it more often good luck your plants need the graybox acid type mericalgrow,they all like acitic soils.